Treat local files as being in intranet zone in Internet Explorer

configurationinternet explorer

I am trying to get Internet Explorer to treat a file or files in a certain directory on the local hdd as being in the Intranet Zone. I can make this work by deploying the files to an IIS server and adding that server to the intranet zone in the IE security settings, and I can also make it work by setting up a unc share to point at a local disk and adding this to the intranet zone. I can't seem to get this to work with a local file path though.

This is an example of the path that I would like to be able to add:


I have also tried wildcard paths – e.g.


and both attempts display an error message saying:

> You have entered an invalid wildcard
> sequence. Examples of valid patterns:
>   *://*
>   http://*
>   file:\\localsvr\share
>   *://157.54.100-200.* Examples of
> invalid patterns:
>   http://microsoft.*.com  ftp://*

Is this possible with Internet Explorer or is it prohibited for some reason? I'm using IE8.


Best Answer

You could probably do it if you used UNC paths:


Then open the file in IE using the same path.