I'm using UIImagePickerController to capture an image and then store it. However, when i try to rescale it, the orientation value i get out of this image is incorrect. When i take a snap by holding the phone Up, it gives me orientation of Left. Has anyone experienced this issue?
The UIImagePickerController dictionary shows following information:
UIImagePickerControllerMediaMetadata = {
DPIHeight = 72;
DPIWidth = 72;
Orientation = 3;
"{Exif}" = {
ApertureValue = "2.970853654340484";
ColorSpace = 1;
DateTimeDigitized = "2011:02:14 10:26:17";
DateTimeOriginal = "2011:02:14 10:26:17";
ExposureMode = 0;
ExposureProgram = 2;
ExposureTime = "0.06666666666666667";
FNumber = "2.8";
Flash = 32;
FocalLength = "3.85";
ISOSpeedRatings = (
MeteringMode = 1;
PixelXDimension = 2048;
PixelYDimension = 1536;
SceneType = 1;
SensingMethod = 2;
Sharpness = 1;
ShutterSpeedValue = "3.910431673351467";
SubjectArea = (
WhiteBalance = 0;
"{TIFF}" = {
DateTime = "2011:02:14 10:26:17";
Make = Apple;
Model = "iPhone 3GS";
Software = "4.2.1";
XResolution = 72;
YResolution = 72;
UIImagePickerControllerMediaType = "public.image";
UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage = "<UIImage: 0x40efb50>";
However picture returns imageOrientation == 1
UIImage *picture = [info objectForKey:UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage];
Best Answer
I just started working on this issue in my own app.
I used the UIImage category that Trevor Harmon crafted for resizing an image and fixing its orientation, UIImage+Resize.
Then you can do something like this in
This fixed the problem for me. The resized image is oriented correctly visually and the imageOrientation property reports UIImageOrientationUp.
There are several versions of this scale/resize/crop code out there; I used Trevor's because it seems pretty clean and includes some other UIImage manipulators that I want to use later.