Scala classOf for type parameter


I am trying to create a generic method for object updates using scala / java but I can't get the class for a type parameter.

Here is my code:

object WorkUnitController extends Controller {     
 def updateObject[T](toUpdate: T, body: JsonObject){
  val source = gson.fromJson(body, classOf[T]);

The error i get is

class type required but T found

I know in java you can't do it but is this possible in scala at all?


Best Answer

Due Manifest is deprecated (Since Scala 2.10.0) this is the updated answer -

import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.reflect._

object WorkUnitController extends Controller {
  def updateObject[T: ClassTag](toUpdate: T, body: JsonObject){
    val source = gson.fromJson(body, classTag[T].runtimeClass)

You should use ClassTag instead of ClassManifest and .runtimeClass instead of .erasure

Original answer - Yes, you can do that using manifests:

object WorkUnitController extends Controller {     
 def updateObject[T: ClassManifest](toUpdate: T, body: JsonObject){
  val source = gson.fromJson(body, classManifest[T].erasure);
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