Gmail Filters – How to Remove Labels from Emails


I am fetching emails via POP from another Gmail account and am applying a label @Private to all such emails.

Now, on my private email I also receive emails from services like Bitbucket. So I wanted to filter those emails as well and have created a filter @Bitbucket for all such emails.

However my @Private is now overcrowded with @Bitbucket emails as well, because Google first applies @Private label to all emails fetched via POP, and then additionally labels a few of them as @Bitbucket. All emails that come from Bitbucket now have 2 labels. Obviously I would like NOT to see Bitbucket emails into @Private label directory.

Is there any way to remove @Private label for emails that match @Bitbucket filter rules?

Best Answer

You can't remove a label with a filter.

However, it seems that Gmail applies filters sequentially, so if you change the order of your filters so that...

  • the @BitBucket filter is listed above the @Private filter, and
  • the @Private filter includes a negative search in its search criteria (e.g., -label:@BitBucket) so that it only applies the label to messages that don't already have the @BitBucket label

I think that will do what you need.

As for changing the order of your filters, see: How can I reorder Gmail filters?