Google Sheets – How to Fix QUERY Error for BY Column

formulasgoogle sheetsgoogle-sheets-queryworksheet-function

I'm using the following query to pull data from one sheet into another.

=query(data!B2:CL,"select B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, BB, BZ, CA, BA where J = 'Industry Certification'",false)

The above query works perfectly. However, if I change 'BB' to 'BY'. I get the following error.


Unable to parse query string for Function QUERY parameter 2:
PARSE_ERROR: Encountered "BY" at line 1, column 35. Was expecting one
of: "true" … "false" … "date" … "timeofday" … "datetime" …
"timestamp" … "min" … "max" … "avg" … "count" … "sum" …
"no_values" … "no_format" … "is" … "null" … "year" … "month"
… "day" … "hour" … "minute" … "second" … "millisecond" …
"with" … "contains" … "starts" … "ends" … "matches" … "like"
… "now" … "dateDiff" … "quarter" … "lower" … "upper" …
"dayOfWeek" … "toDate" … … …
… … … "(" … "-"

The value of cell 'BY' is a simple string (activities).

I'm scratching my head confused. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

Short answer

According to the documentation, BY is a reserved word, to use it as an identifier, it should be back-quoted.


I think that it's a reserved word because it's used by two clauses: