Google-sheets – Select All Columns Where Cell In Columns Contain A Word – Google Sheets

google sheetsgoogle-sheets-query

I am looking for a query formula that will allow me to select all columns (entire column) that contain a specific word within the column.

You can see a test sheet here:

For this example, I would like a query that would scan Sheet1 and select all columns that contain the words "Adam". This would select Columns A-D.

Any help would be appreciated.


Best Answer

In this case I believe the FILTER function would be a much better fit than the QUERY (which becomes quite convoluted).

Please try the following formula:


Pro Tip

Two significant differences of FILTER vs QUERY is that using the FILTER function you get to "transfer/preserve" both the numbers' original formatting as well as the empty rows.

formatting and empty rows transfer through the filter function