0,5m led strip (15 leds) Phone Power Supply

led strippower supply

I have a 15 led 0,5m led strip (ws2812b). Since it's such a limited amount of leds, I'll try to power the strip with an old phone power adapter (5v / 750mA). I looked at the ws2812's data sheet and it says

Each RGB LED draws approximately 50 mA at 5 V with red, green, and
blue at full brightness

So that's 15 x 50mA = 750mA

I'll call that one tight, but won't it be all right because these leds are never gonna run full power all the time.

Best Answer

This, you will have to try. Try run it full brightness for a while and if your phone charger get hot or the voltage drop is steep, you may need another power supply.

Cheap phone chargers capable of 1A is quite common out there now. Look those up.