6 pin 3 state slide switch


Is there a standard way in which 3 state, 6 pin slide switches are connected? I haven't been able to find any schematic online.

Originally, I assumed that each pair of pins corresponds to the in/out ports of each of the switch's three states. Having the switch in one of these three states would then close the circuit between the two corresponding pins. However, I have discovered that this is not the case.

I can attach a picture of my switch, but I don't have a model number so I don't know if it would be of much use.

Best Answer

Typical configuration very close to Dave Tweed answer (DPDT) except that if I understand your question properly, then your switch handle has 3 positions and not 2 (DPDT) My guess is that the two middle pins are the Common pins. Sliding the handle to the right for example, would connect each common pin to its respective end pin on the right. If I am correct then your 3 position switch should show no connections between any of the 6 pins at all when the slide is in the middle. Easily checked with a ohmmeter BTW I never saw a switch behave as per your assumption