Acknowledgment size for STOP-AND-WAIT protocol


I looked frame size range calculation for stop-and-wait protocol post but I have a similar (?) question.
The question states.
A channel has a transmission speed of 10 kbps. The transmitted frames are sized 550 bit and the propagation is 20 msec. Errors do not exist. Since STOP-AND-WAIT protocol is used how large should the acknowledgment size be in order to have 55% efficiency?

I read that the efficiency type is efficiency = Tdata/(Tdata + 2*Tprop) and Tdata = DataFrameSize/transmission speed.

Solving that i find that the efficiency is 57%.

So the question asks how the frame size changes in order to have efficiency 55%?

If yes, doing the math that should be 488,88 bits,right?

Am i right or the question asks something entirely different?

Best Answer

Your equation assumes a acknowledgment packet with a size of zero and no processing time. The denominator of this equation must be extended to include also:

  • the processing time \$T_{proc,R}\$ of the data packet at the receiver

  • the transmission time \$T_{Ack}\$ of the acknowledgement packet

  • the processing time \$T_{proc,S}\$ of the acknowledgement packet at the initial sender.

The time for a complete transfer (request and reply) is:

$$T_{total} = T_{Data} + T_{prop} + T_{proc,R} + T_{Ack} + T_{prop} + T_{proc,S}$$

Putting this into the efficiency equation and then transposing it to the requested acknowledgement packet size is left as an exersize to the reader.