Active Op-Amp Calculation


Can someone please help me to dissect this active op-amp circuit? I'm trying to find the output voltage at varying frequencies.

Active Op-Omp

Best Answer

Replace passives with their \$s\$ domain equivalents (impedances in the \$s\$-domain, resistances stay the same, capacitors become \$\dfrac{1}{Cs}\$) and remember the ideal model of the opamp: virtual short-circuit between its inputs (i.e. the voltage at the inverting and that at the non-inverting input are the same) and no current is drawn by any of the inputs.

Then you should be able to write the output voltage (in the \$s\$-domain) as a product of the input voltage with a function \$H(s)\$ (this is the transfer function of the circuit) using standard circuit techniques used also for DC (Kirchhoff's laws, generalized Ohm's law, etc.).

\$ V_o = H(s) \cdot V_s \qquad \Leftrightarrow \qquad H(s) = \dfrac{V_o}{V_s} \$

After you have determined \$H(s)\$ just substitute \$s\$ with \$j 2 \pi f\$ (or \$j\omega\$) and compute the modulus of the resulting function: \$|H(j 2 \pi f)|\$. This is the amplitude response of the circuit, i.e. it gives the gain of the circuit as the frequency varies.

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