Add downloaded components to existing library in Altium


I have just started using Altium as a student after using Eagle for a lot of years.

I download part libraries from sites like Ultra Librarian and can use the supplied script to generate a library with symbol, footprint and 3D body, I can then compile so I can use it in a design.

But this is going to end up with me having hundreds and libraries with just one part in each. How can I create one library and import the downloaded files from Ultra Libary (and others) into that library? Bearing in mind that I have no scripting experience.

Basically, I want to end up with one library for say one brand of MCUs, comm transceivers, connectors etc much like in eagle.

Best Answer

  • Open the various individual libraries in Altium.
  • Open the your new target library.
  • Right-click on the component, in the component panel list, that you want to include in your new library, and select 'Copy'.
  • Right-click in your new library and select 'Paste' in the component list.

This works for both Schematic and PCB libraries.

Going from Eagle to fAultium is a big jump. Read the docs. Join the Official Altium forum ( ).

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