Adding up Transformer Output


This Question is regarding to Transformer Power Electronics. I attached two transformers – one is Step Up (220V ; 0.5A) and another is Step Down (6V; 20A) to a same power source (25V ; 5A) in such away that both transformer gets input current alternately. In simple words only one transformer is active at a time and another is off.

So My question is here I am getting two outputs from two transformer alternately. Now I want to add up both output so that the final output must be the constant i.e (250V; 20A). Can anybody tell me that how to add both voltage?

I have some idea in my mind i.e converting both voltage to DC and then add or using RLC circuit in both transformer to get constant output and then add it.

Best Answer

I have some observations and a question.

1) input power is 25 Vac, 5A. That works out to 125 VA.

2) Transformer #1 is 220 Vac, 0.5A. That works out to 110 VA.

3) Transformer #2 is 6 Vac, 20A. That works out to 120 VA.

4) Your desired output is 250V 20A. That works out to 5000 VA or 5 kVA.

As you can see, the numbers between input and desired output don't match up. What you are asking for is not possible.

Now for my question:

1) Exactly HOW are you arranging things so that only one transformer gets input current alternatively?

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