Alternating ON/OFF with Logic Gates in a Simulator


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My intent is to make sure that when the top mosfet is on the bottom mosfet is off and vice versa. I'm really not sure that this accomplishes the goal. Is there some better way than this? I'm using two current sources that are configured to one second intervals. My sim doesn't look quite right when I turn it on both 1V batteries are pumping current through the mosfets.

I tried the PWM it was a little too complex for me right now but I did come up with something I though maybe works too:
enter image description here

So this must be what the PWM diagram is kind of saying:
enter image description here

Thank you

Best Answer

Using an inverter is not going to work. You need to use shoot-through protection: -

enter image description here

The OR gate output needs to be inverted so an alternative is to use a NOR gate. It's going to work best when both AND and NOR/OR are schmitt trigger input types. For a quick simulation make the resistor 1k and the capacitor 10nF - this will give a "dead" area of about CR or 10us but clearly the time of the dead area is dependent on the application.

enter image description here

See also this stack exchange page.

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