Altium Camtastic Auto-Rout PCB Border is routing over edge of board


I typically draw rout tool paths by hand, but I though I would give Altium's built-in router a try. The command I am talking about is Rout->Auto-Rout PCB Border within the CAM document mode.

The tool properly finds the board outline, but the resulting rout path (when I export Gerbers) is right on top of the board outline – not butting up to the board edge like I am used to seeing when I rout it manually.

Am I missing a setting or maybe just interpreting the rout path Gerber wrong?

I tried some different settings for the rout tool in Tables->NC Tools->Tool Compensation but it isn't changing what I get.

Does anyone who has used this feature have some advice about what is happening?

Best Answer

Most fabs cut to the centerline of lines in the outline layer, ignoring the line width. If you are unsure, you can ask your fab to verify this, and put it in the README you send them with the files.