Altium & Patterned Colors


Is is possible to add color fill patterns to standard design layer colors in Altium Designer? I can only find and use solid and transparent colors for all design layers, but cannot figure out if or how to give colors a fillstyle.

This example (taken from EAGLE ) shows a top metal pad (red) with solder mask over it ( grey with hatched pattern ) Is it possible to make design layers appear similarly hatched in Altium?

enter image description here

Best Answer

Maybe check out this stuff

and see here on the layers/view config window: screenshot

There is also this youtube video which shows how to set layer transparencies really easily, but you need Altium Designer 13 or above.

This is as close as I can find to help you, otherwise have a look at Mechanical Layer 1 for 3D objects and maybe find how they do the purple diagonal cross hatching to show 3D bodies in 2D mode.. maybe there is something you can take from those view options and apply them to your needs?

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