Arduino Blink example does not run after upload from eclipse


I just started with my first Arduino project. I am trying out the Blink example. I have set up eclipse for arduino 1.0 and the code compiles without errors (both lib project and blink project).
I used the tutorial at:
When I upload the code to the board using the upload button avrdude says successful upload but the code never runs. I am using an unmodified blink code supplied with an additional main() to sequence the init, setup and loop.

What am I missing? Can someone help me out?

Here is the code I am trying to run. It is the eclipse blink project linked at the end of the tutorial above. Link:

Best Answer

This question has been open for a while and I have been scratching my head for a long time but it finally worked just minutes ago!!!

This is what finally worked for me: In this tutorial, scroll down to "Arduino target reset for uploading" look under the Linux section for the following instructions: "Instead of using programmer stk500v1 with AVRdude, use programmer arduino and it creates the reset automatically. In the project properties, change AVR -> AVRDude, Programmer tab, Programmer configuration. Edit the existing one or add a new one."

Although I am using win7 x64 this change worked for me when I used it with a baud rate of 115200.