Arduino controlling high voltage DC source, Opto-Isolator

arduinohigh voltageopto-isolator

I need to create a circuit that I can use an Arduino to control a 400~500 DC voltage source.
I am not used to opto-isolators, but I was thinking about using it to separate both systems. But I cant seem to find one that can handle 500V DC in the Vcc port.
My thought process(I am not sure how to create and opto-isolator, so assume the LED and transistor in the middle are the opto-isolator):
If you guys know a better way to completely separate both systems please give me your input.
BTW the current is very low, below 1mA.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Best Answer

If response times in the ms are acceptable, you could use an optically coupled pair of back-to-back MOSFETs such as the CPC1393GRTR.

enter image description here

This particular one can switch 600V at up to 90mA, with maximum on/off times of 5ms and maximum 'off' leakage of 1uA. It would typically drop less than 100mV at a few mA.

Isolation voltage input-to-output is 5000V claimed, you'll have to evaluate if that's safe enough for your application.