Arduino device (PanStamp) hangs when I change the data that is sent through serial


I have a PanStamp (arduino compatible) and everything was working fine until I change the amount of data I'm sending through serial.

send_altitude is called every second using timer interruption (TimerOne library).

This is the original function that sends data (and does not hang):

void send_altitude()

float_byte altitude;
byte buffer[6];

// Do one trash read to avoid fluctuations
altitude.asFloat = getAltitude(ALT_SENSOR);

buffer[0] = 0x05; /* Size */
buffer[1] = HUB_DATA;
buffer[2] = altitude.asByte[0];
buffer[3] = altitude.asByte[1];
buffer[4] = altitude.asByte[2];
buffer[5] = altitude.asByte[3];

send_through_serial(6, buffer);


But when I changed it to this one (basically I'm now sending a packet count):
Following PeterJ suggestion I moved the buffer and variable outside the function and also removed the sei()/cli(), however it didn't work… One thing that I noticed is that it looks to take longer to hang without sei/cli.

float_byte altitude;
unsigned char buffer[10];
void send_altitude()
// Increments the counter;
packet_count.asULong = packet_count.asULong + 1;

// Do one trash read to avoid fluctuations
altitude.asFloat = getAltitude(ALT_SENSOR);

buffer[0] = 0x09; /* Size */
buffer[1] = HUB_DATA;
buffer[2] = altitude.asByte[0];
buffer[3] = altitude.asByte[1];
buffer[4] = altitude.asByte[2];
buffer[5] = altitude.asByte[3];

buffer[6] = packet_count.asByte[0];
buffer[7] = packet_count.asByte[1];
buffer[8] = packet_count.asByte[2];
buffer[9] = packet_count.asByte[3];

send_through_serial(10, buffer);

The PanStamp started to hang without reason….
packet_count is an ulong_byte.

The others functions and data structs:

void send_through_serial(int lenght, unsigned char *data)
unsigned int i;

/* Send srync word */

/* Send data */
for(i = 0; i < lenght; i++)

 * @brief getAltitude
 * Return the altitude (Voltage) of a
 * analogue pressure sensor.
 * Maybe later on it will return the
 * altitude
 * @param ain Analogue pin
 * @return Altitude (Voltage)
inline float getAltitude(int ain)
    int aRead = analogRead(ain);
    return aRead*(3.3/1023.0);

typedef union _float_byte
    byte asByte[4];
    float asFloat;
} float_byte;

typedef union _ulong_byte
    unsigned long asULong;
    byte asByte[4];
} ulong_byte;

Timer initialization code:


The only "solution" I found is use the WDT to reset after a hang, but it's not good because I have some counters that can not be rested.

Thanks to @JRobert it is working now!!
I also made a few more changes:

  • Timer interrupt only setting a boolean flag;
  • Buffers inside the function;
  • Using sei/cli;
  • getAltitude() is not inline any more.

Best Answer

If nothing but the packet size changed, then the packet size is somehow related.

  • What is the baud rate?
  • Is there any reason one iteration of your code take anywhere near 1 sec to run?
  • How long can getAltitude() take to execute? Does it wait for hardware?

There's an awful lot of code executing at interrupt level - getAltitude(), and send_through_serial() (which also uses interrupt driven I/O). The first change I'd make would be to reduce the Timer1 interrupt code to setting a flag bit. Lift the rest of the code out of the interrupt routine into the main line. Call it whenever the flag bit gets set, and clear the flag bit. The worst that should happen by doing it this way is you could miss some interrupts if your main line code runs too long. Not that missing interrupts is acceptable; but it should stop the crashing and let you test your code further to find out what's being slow.

As to stack collisions, making a local variable into a static one won't reduce that likelihood; rather it could increase it. Locals get allocated and de-allocated, so there are times when they don't exist and can't contribute to a crash. Statics always exist and forever reduce the amount of memory for the stack can grow into. What might change though, is the behavior of the program when the collision occurs. When you make something static, it will be assigned a different location in memory; as a result, different variables might be involved when the collision occurs.