Arduino multiple serial module usage


I'm stuck at this seemingly simple thing. I have a NMEA GPS module. It doesn't matter how it operates, it just transmit serial data stream at a baud rate of 38400.

I have an arduino Mega which has several hardware serial modules. If i directly connect GPS Tx to Arduinos Tx pin (and program arduino to not to use default serial module, Serial0) then i can observe raw GPS sentences transmitted by the GPS module using the arduino serial monitor.

What I really want is to read the GPS module to arduino Serial1 port and forward the receiving data through the default serial port Serial0 without doing anything. So that i should be able to monitor the data from the serial monitor as exactly in the previous case.

I tried something like follows, but it's not working (it gives a stream of digits, i tried doing all the possible changes but nothing worked)

void setup(){
  Serial.begin(38400); // the default serial module, serial0
  Serial1.begin(38400); // GPS is connected to this

void loop(){
  if(Serial1.available()){ // if GPS data available
    Serial.print(; // write it to serial0

Hope someone here will be able to give me some solution.

Best Answer

Serial::print() converts the bytes to an ASCII representation. Use Serial::write() instead.