Arduino to act as a switch for a remote


I have a wireless remote control for a light.
It runs with a 12V battery.
It has two mini Omron type B3F momentary ON switches (mini push-button switches).

One button is for Light ON, the other for Light OFF.

I wonder how to connect my Arduino to that switch so I can control the on/off states.

I was wondering about relays, or maybe hacking direct the board which seems pretty rudimentary (was a cheap control system).

In the picture, you can see 6 switches because it controls 3 receivers.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Get your multimeter and find out how the switches are connected and if they are pull up or pull down. Also measure the voltage. So if a switch does a pull up to 5V you can just connect your arduino and output a HIGH. If its a 12V signal or sth that isn't supported by the arduino make the arduino turn on a transistor which then switches 12V to the switch. Vice versa for a pull down.