Are there any ATxmega chips with bi-directional SPi ports

atmegaatmelmicrocontrollermicroprocessorsolar cell

I searched the datasheets shown for the ATxmega chips in the Microcontroller Selector, shown on the left side of, for any ATxmega chips with bi-directional SPi ports, but I was unable to find any.

I know ATmega chips have bi-directional SPi ports, but I want to take advantage of the features in the ATxmega chips for my solar car project.

Best Answer

First, I'm going to assume this is what you are looking for:

  1. An Atmel xmega micro-controller
  2. Has IO pins configurable as input (with optional pull-up resistors), or as output
  3. Has both slave and master SPI functionality (preferably hardware support)

Comment below if this isn't exactly what you're looking for.

Pretty much all xmega (maybe even all) devices feature IO pins with select-able internal pullup/pulldown resistors.

This is the IO block diagram for an xmega-AU device:

enter image description here

Notice that the top-right section of the general IO pin block diagram has select-able internal pull-up and pull-down functionality, as well as a pull keep or totem pole input options. This is common across all IO pins configurable as general IO pins.

That just leaves hardware SPI functionality. Luckily, the same xmega-AU device supports hardware SPI in both master and slave modes. See chapter 22 for full details on what is supported.

This is not exclusive to the xmega-AU series, this just happened to be the first one I clicked on. IIRC, pretty much all xmega chips have the same or very similar general IO block diagram, and they also support hardware SPI in master and slave modes.