PCB Design – Automatically Changing Traces in Altium from Impedance Layer Stackup


Altium has the ability to track impedance in the layer stack manager. Is there a way to have it automatically update the trace sizes of controlled impedance traces such as diff pairs if the stackup or Dk changes?

enter image description here

Best Answer

Changing the stack-up will affect the calculated trace width for impedance-controlled traces; however it will not automatically update existing traces.

To update trace width, select the traces of interest and use the "Route > Retrace Selected" command. This is assuming that you have a Design Rule in place which links the impedance profile to a net class. For more information see "Interactively Routing with Controlled Impedances on a PCB in Altium Designer: Routing Width Design Rule" in the official documentation.

To automatically select all traces that belong to a specific impedance profile, you can select Nets in the the PCB Panel and click the appropriate net class.

Net class selection in PCB panel