Microcontroller – AVR32DA VIH Threshold


I am looking into using an AVR32DA48 MCU for a design. The MCU will be powered at 5V and needs to interface with an IC at 3.3V. The IC is 5V tolerant and I am trying to figure out if a level translator is required for the IC to MCU communication.

According to the AVR32DA datasheet, on page 565, the Table 37-7. I/O Pin Specifications states that the I/O ports require 0.8xVDD minimum for VIH, which in this case means 4V. On page 605, though, the graph in Figure 38-74 Input Pin with Schmitt Trigger – Minimum VIH vs. VDD, reveals that the minimum VIH for 5V is nominally around 2.8V.

How is this discrepancy explained?

Best Answer

I did a real-world measurement using AVR32DD28.

Using this setup:


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

And I used this simple code:

#include <avr/io.h>

int main(void)
    PORTD_DIRSET = (1 << PIN7_bp);
    while (1) 
        PORTD_OUT = PORTA_IN; 

And the voltmeter shows that the \$V_{IH}\$ is aroud \$2.78V\$

And \$V_{IL}\$ around \$2V\$

So it seems to match the typical value shown in the datasheet. But again we have to remember that this is a typical value. And it will very form device to devise and with the temperature (VIH will increase for lower temperature). And maybe this is why they say that \$V_{IH} = 0.8 \:VDD\$ to stay on the safe side.