Analog – Barkhausen Stability Criterion and Positive Feedback


My analog design book says the following:

"As a signal \$ S_\epsilon \$ propagates around the loop and returns to the summer \$ \Sigma \$ as \$ S_f \$, it experiences a frequency-dependent phase shift, which we shall denote as \$ph\ T(jf) \$. If this shift reaches \$ -180^\circ \$, then feedback turns from negative to positive."

Why is feedback positive only when the phase shift is \$-180^\circ\$? If we consider the loop gain \$T(jf) = \beta a(jf)\$ then surely the feedback is negative for \$-90^\circ < ph\ a(jf) < 90^\circ\$, where \$a(jf)\$ has a positive real part, and positive for \$ -270^\circ < ph\ a(jf) < -90^\circ\$, where \$a(jf)\$ has a negative real part (or equivalently \$ 90^\circ < ph\ a(jf) < 270^\circ \$).

I would imagine the necessary condition for oscillation, instead of being \$ a(jf_{-180^\circ})\beta \geq -1\$, should be \$|a(jf)| \cdot \sin{(90 + ph\ a(jf))} \cdot \beta \geq -1\$.

Thoughts on this?

Is it only -180 degrees because any other phase shift, once you take into account the summer, would give something that's not a multiple of \$2\pi\$ and would change for every pass through the loop? Like comparing it to waves how it might be "constructive interference" but it wouldn't meet resonance criteria?

Is this a case of people not being precise with language? Resonance, i.e. oscillation, for \$ a(jf_{-180^\circ})\beta \geq -1\$ but positive feedback in general for \$ -270^\circ < ph\ a(jf) < -90^\circ\$?

Best Answer

Many other questions have been asked about the Barkhausen Stability Criterion as it is quite misunderstood.

  1. For starters, it is not even a stability criterion, as it does not determine stability, and it does not guarantee a system is unstable, or that it will oscillate.
  2. If a linear circuit meets the Barkhausen "Stability" Criterion for some frequencies it means that it might oscillate at those frequencies. But it does not guarantee that it will do so.
  3. Some books and instructors try to make the description more wordy and intuitive but end up just creating confusion. Look at the criterion and we see the actual statement and not the wordy explanation, which I adapted to use a negative feedback as your book does. It goes like this, for frequencies \$f\$ such that
  • \$ |a(jf)\beta| = 1 \$

  • \$ \text{phase}\left[ a(jf)\beta\right] \equiv 180^\circ \$

    the circuit might oscillate. The notation \$\equiv 180^\circ\$ means being equal to \$180^\circ\$, or \$360^\circ+180^\circ\$, or \$2\cdot360^\circ+180^\circ\$, and other equivalent angles.

A few other resources on the whole Barkhausen Criterion saying that things loop around and phase shift makes feedback go from negative from positive is the following answer here in EESE and this note

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