Best options for simple but very low latency calculations


After reviewing my math, it turns out I had made a mistake in my calculations and was off by a couple factors. In an effort to make this question worthwhile, I am still interested in what type of device can perform very specific calculations at at high seeds and low latencies.

Best Answer

Sounds interesting.
1 / 10ns = 100MHz. Pretty quick... Depending on what exactly "a few low latency calculations" entails, this may be a job for an FPGA (or an ASIC..)

Most modern FPGAs have max clock speeds in excess of 300MHz and come with things like with dedicated DSP blocks to make life easier. You can parallel (and pipeline if possible - probably not in this situation I guess) as necessary to achieve as fast a speed as possible. To figure out whether you can meet the timing or not, you could download one of the vendors (e.g. Xilinx, Altera, etc) IDEs, write your HDL and run a simulation.

You may need to look into some analogue trickery in combination with the FPGA, or attempt to start measurement earlier than impact (if possible) to give yourself more time.
More information about exactly what you are trying to do would probably help with the details (e.g. how exactly do you intend to affect the impact?)

EDIT - to answer the edited question, an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Aray) is exactly the thing you are looking for if you want custom/specific calculations at high speeds.
Google (and here) has tons of info on them so I won't go into too much detail, but basically they are a large array of logic gates that you can connect up in any way you choose, effectively designing your own custom digital IC.
For example if you want a really fast FFT, you could literally devote the entire chip to optimising just for that one function. You can implement adders, counters, RAM controllers, SPI, UART, "soft core" processors, etc, etc, basically anything you want.
They are usually reprogrammable as many times as you want (depending on the technology used to hold the configuration - you can get RAM based, Flash based, antifuse, etc - most are RAM based) and have onboard RAM to use with your design.
I would suggest reading up a bit about them (The Design Warriors Guide to FPGAs is a pretty good book IIRC) and then grabbing a book on HDL, downloading an IDE and trying some stuff out in simulation. Then grab a starter board from Digilent (e.g. something like the Nexsys2) and away you go.
FWIW, Xilinx and Altera are the two big players in the market, so it's probably best to start with one of them. The Spartan series from Xilinx are popular and versatile FPGAs.

When you are ready to design your own boards, you will need a download cable to configure the FPGA via JTAG - these can be purchased from Xilinx/Altera or you can get much cheaper version on eBay that do the same.