Blocking and Nonblocking statements in same procedural block



module block;
  reg a;
  reg b = 1'b0;
  reg c = 1'b1;

  initial begin
    c  = b;
    a <= c;



I simulated the code fragment shown in figure expecting the value of a to be 1'b1 because the statement a <= c; is nonblocking and the RHS of the statement is evaluated at the beginning of time step(i.e before execution of c = b;).

But this is the result I obtained. Why is the output a 1'b0 and not 1'b1?

PS: I know it's not a good practice to mix blocking and nonblocking statements in the same block, but I wanted to know how the IEEE std explains this special case.

Best Answer

You have given c a default value of 1, but then at time 0 assign it to be equal to b (blocking). So the simulation copies the value of b to c before sequentially moving on to perform a <= b.

What you have written is essentially:

module block;
  reg a;
  reg b = 1'b0;
  reg c;

  initial begin
    c  = b;
    a <= b;
