Blocking stray RF with diamagnetic materials


In my ham shack there is a wire that runs for 4 feet from my transmitter to
the RF ground and I wish to stop it from radiating as much as possible.
All of the normal precautions are in place but I enjoy going over the top with this kind of thing. I am curious if a diamagnetic material could be used to block stray RF. For instance, running the ground wire through a tube of Pyrolytic carbon or Bismuth or another diamagnetic substance.

Best Answer

Ferrite is commonly used to absorb RF. With the right formulation, it can appear to have the same impedance as free space, except that that RF waves are absorbed rather than continuing to propagate. Ferrite is one of the two common means to make anachoic RF chambers, with the other being cones. Often both ferrite and cones are used together to cover a broader frequency range.

Once you see the cost of ferrite though, you may want to rethink your strategy.