Buck converter charge battery control output voltage

battery-chargingbucklithium ionvoltage-regulator

I have a buck converter charging 8 series of Li-Ion batteries ( 8 x 4.2 voltage of charging) with a source of 36 V. I am using this schematic (from here):

buck battery

I know that for a resistive load, the output is controlled as
$$V_o=D V_{in}$$

But, here the load is not resistive. How to control the output voltage? can we control it as above without feedback?

Does duty-cycle D = 8 x 4.2 / 36 works here?

Best Answer

If you used a synchronous converter, its duty cycle x input voltage is pretty much the output voltage when averaged. If you are intent on doing this without feedback you should strongly consider a synchronous solution - it has a high side and a low side MOSFET. In effect it is a half bridge solution.

Having said all that, you need to modify duty cycle on the fly to cater for changes in input voltage levels so this requires some analogue signal processing.