Calculate voltage and current in time dependent circuit


I'm working with this time dependent circuit, and i'm having troubles with some of the assignments.
The following values are given R1 = 1kΩ, R2 = 2kΩ, R3 = 1kΩ, C1 = 22uF and C2 = 47uF. Is delivers 20mA, and when t=0 the switch goes from connected to disconnected. The circuit is stationary for t < 0 (when sure what that means?)

enter image description here

  • First of i shall calculate the current through R2, when T<0. Is it right when i assume i should use current division? Calculate the total Ω of the circuit, and divide by R2, times the 20mA?

  • Next, i shall calculate the voltage across C1. That one i'm uncertain about. I have found a formula V = q/C, but i can't seem to find q, the charge, or neither how to calculate what?

  • Lastly i shall find an expression for the current i(t) for t>0. Here i'm a little lost, so hoping for some guidance

Might be rather easy, but for a newbie, who have been introduced to all at once, its hard to find head and tail,

Hoping for help!

Best Answer

Typical homework problem. I think of it as two steps:

  1. Setup of Cap. Voltage via introduced energy
  2. Discharge of Cap. Through Connected Impedance

The current division between R3 and R1 + R2 in series gives you the setup current (I label it I_0) (since R3 < R1+R2, the most current should go into R3)

I0 * R2 Gives you the voltage in the node that is connecting R2, C1, C2 (I name the node n1 and the voltage V_0)

Total capacitance of two parallel caps is the sum C1 + C2 = C'

the time constant is then R2*C' = tau

Classic RC-exponential discharge curve, R2 is the current path:

V(t) = V_0 * e ^ -(t/tau)

and V = R*I gives V(t)/R2 = i(t)

easy as pie.

All these tools are easily searchable in any electronics schoolbook or the internet.

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