Can a higer-voltage switch be used in the circuit


I'm playing around with my first circuit assembly on a project I'm working on.

It very basic, just three AAA batteries (4.5v) and several LEDs.
Everything is working perfectly in a simple, direct circuit.

I'd like to put a momentary switch in the circuit so that the LEDs only light while the switch is pressed. I've been googling, and haven't given up yet looking, but it seems many of the switches I'm finding are listed as 100v or 250v.

Can I use a higher voltage-rated switch in a mere 4.5v circuit? Or would they provide too much resistance and prevent it from working?

Best Answer

To answer your question, probably yes, but there are some caveats. However, for low voltage DC applications such as yours, you should check out some hobby sites like Adafruit or SparkFun. You can get momentary and slide switches for low voltage applications on the cheap!