Cheapest way to build or buy a remote controlled sound maker


For my high school class's senior prank, we'd like to buy cheap prepaid cell phones (like these:, hide them in the ceiling tiles, and then call then randomly throughout the day. However this gets expensive quickly. Is there a cheaper way to build or buy something with similar functionality? It doesn't necessarily even need to be remote controlled if it could be programmed to go off at certain times.

Best Answer


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Assuming you buy about 25 of each:

An Attiny is about $1. A small speaker is about $2. A MOSFET to drive it is about $0.25. A small 3.7V LiPo battery is about $2. The Atmega can run on the built-in ceramic resonator at 1 MHz or 8 MHz when fed 3V or better. 1 MHz (and perhaps sleep mode) will extend the lifetime, although you'll likely get a couple of days of battery life even without that.

The Attiny can be programmed to wait for a random amount of time, and then make a noise on the output pin that drives the MOSFET/speaker. You'll need a USB programmer and a socket to program the chips in, which adds about $10 of one-time cost.

plus a breadboard and some jumper wires for programming.