Check content of EEPROM during run-time like Visual Studio


In Visual Studio, when we try to read memory location, we add breakpoints and run step by step to see what is getting read or written to a memory location.
Is there a similar way, we can do it in MPLAB v8.85 IDE with PICkit3 to read PIC16f685.

Basically, I have a code for this PIC which reads as well as writes data to EEPROM. However, to see what data is getting read or written I am trying to see it work step by step so that I can know what data is read. Can anyone help me with this?

Best Answer

Yes, you can view the EEPROM during debugging. Here's the warning window in MPLAB:

enter image description here

And the EEPROM memory view for your current processor:

enter image description here


Given your described symptoms, there are two main possibilities.

  1. You are not writing the EEPROM properly- some problem with your code, such as not setting the WREN bit.

  2. The debugger is unable to read the EEPROM memory because you have enabled code protection.

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