Configure GPIO pin for infrared interface (IRTIM) of STM32F030x4/x6/x8


I have a problem for use infrared interface (IRTIM) of my MCU. When I saw in Reference manual I could find this:


Now, when I search for find GPIOx_AFRx register, I cannot find this register in reference manual.

Where is it?

Best Answer

The actual register isn't named GPIOx_AFRx, the "x" is a placeholder for other designators.

In this case, the first "x" is a placeholder for a numbered general purpose I/O, and the second "x" is a placeholder to indicate the alternate function low or high register.

If you look at sections 8.4.9 and 8.4.10 (PDF page 128) of the document you linked, you'll find they deal with the GPIOx_AFRL and GPIOx_AFRH for the low and high registers, respectively.