MW to MWh Conversion – Understanding the Difference


I have various datasets of energy production in MW.

I need to present everything in MWh. I need to know if my data is already by the hour (logging a value for each hour of each day of an entire year), if the sum of all those values in MW also equals the value in MWh.

To make the conversion, does that depend on whether the data is in 5-minute, 15-minute, or 1-hour increments? For example, if the data is registered in 5-minute increments, I think I would have to add all MW and then divide by 12 (because there are 12 5-minute periods in 1 hour).

Thus, if 1 MW produced every 5 minutes for a 2-hour period, then the calculation to obtain MWh is (1x2X12)/12 = 2 MWh? Is that correct? Add all MW and divide by number of periods in one hour?

If in 15 mins, it would be (1×24)/4 = 6 MWh.

If data is already by the hour, then (1×24)/1 = 24 MWh? So in this case, MW = MWh?

Best Answer

I have various datasets of energy production in MW.

That's the source of your problem. That should read either,
"I have various datasets of power production in MW, or
"I have various datasets of energy production in MWh."

I'd go back to the source and get clarification.

For example, if the data is registered in 5-minute increments, I think I would have to add all MW and then divide by 12 .


Thus, if 1 MW produced every 5 minutes for a 2-hour period, ...

That would be badly worded. "If I averaged 1 MW continuously **for each 5 minute perio ..." would be much better.

... then the calculation to obtain MWh is (1 x 2 x 12) / 12 = 2 MWh? Is that correct? Add all MW and divide by number of periods in one hour?

That's correct but it can be simplified to "I produced 1 MW continuously (or average) for two hours so MW × hours = 2 MWh.

If in 15 mins, it would be (1x24)/4 = 6 MWh.

No, you're mixing power and energy again. It's just average power × time. 1 MW for 2 hours = 2 MWh.

If data is already by the hour, then (1 x 24) / 1 = 24 MWh? So in this case, MW = MWh?

No. A MW is not the same as a MWh (same as a km is not the same as a km/h). The numeric value might work out the same but the concept is different.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Figure 1. Average power vs time.

  • In the first hour the energy used is (0.5 + 1 + 1 + 0.5) / 4 = 0.75 MWh.
  • In the second hour the energy used is (1.5 + 2 + 1 + 1) / 4 = 1.375 MWh.
  • Total for the two hour period is 2.125 MWh.
  • The energy used is the integral of power with respect to time and is represented graphically by the area under the curve.
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