Connect 2 items on the same 5v port on Arduino


im kind new to the arduino and im experiencing the following problem.
Me and my friend build a circuit with a distance sensor which gets the distance and visualize it. The sensor requires a 5V power and i've connected it directly to the arduino. Now i want to connect a 10K potensiometer to get the analog value but i dont know if i can connect it at the same line.

enter image description here

As you can see i've connected the VCC to the 5V the ground and the echo cable. I've placed the potentiometer and i want to connect the 5V wire next to the sensor's 5V wire. Can i do it or im risking damaging the arduino?


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Best Answer

Sure. You should be fine as long as you don't connect the 5v power rail of the arduino to ground or any external supply voltages.