‘Contains FCC ID’ compare to just ‘FCC’. Certificate of conformity


I wanted to get FCC certification for my device.
The device uses WIFI module (FCC approved).

The testing house said the test will leverage on the WIFI module FCC test.
Instead of getting FCC certification, I will get Certificate of Conformity.

I need to put "Contains FCC ID" xxx-xxxxx" on the product, instead of just "FCC" logo.

Is there any difference between putting "FCC" and "Contains FCC ID"?


Best Answer

If your device has been fully tested to comply with FCC then you will be given an FCC ID. This is the ID for your device.

It sounds like your device is only going to be partially tested, and that the majority of the testing will be taken as read by using the previous test of the WiFi module. The WiFi portion of the device will not be tested.

I would guess that you are being told to put the ID of the WiFi module on the product for public inspection. This will be so that the test for the WiFi can be obtained and read if required, as well as the test for your device.