Controlling XL6009 / XL6019 DC-DC buck/booster Enable pin via Arduino

dc/dc convertervoltage

I'm trying to use a XL6009e1 based module with an arduino to control whether the input voltage, or the boosted voltage is sent on output.

As per the XL6009 Datasheet or XL6019 Datasheet, the ENable pin 2 is tied/floating high with VIN. For the chip to be disabled, it needs to be 0.8v or below, or 1.4v or higher to be enabled (default).

Currently I have one of these DC-DC modules, and have disconnected the second pin from the board.

Here's my question – With a 12v input on VIN, what exactly do I need to do so I can control the output by the enable pin by setting an arduino pin high or low? Obviously I can't connect Enable pin 2 directly to a GPIO since it's outputting 12v, and will fry something on the arduino. But where I'm quite confused is what exactly I can use, and secondly how I'd connect it up.

Even if I didn't have the Arduino, how exactly would I pull this pin "low"? I thought perhaps connecting directly to GND but I feel like I'm confusing something else here. I imagine using a pull down resistor, but how exactly would this be connected?

To be clear, I want to bypass the regulator and have the 12V input flow to the output when the regulator is off.

Best Answer

Here's my question - With a 12v input on VIN, what exactly do I need to do so I can control the output by the enable pin by setting an arduino pin high or low?

Use an NPN BJT like this: -

enter image description here

A 10 kΩ resistor will be fine.

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