Convert 0-10V to 0-3.3V for ADC – Protection Techniques

adcvoltage divider

in a project I want to convert 0-10 DCV to 0-3.3 DCV and feed it to STM32 microcontroller ADC input pin. also I want some protection on ADC pin. I draw this schematic which I found here in Digi Key. please let me know if it will operate normally and if it has no problems!

  • 6.8K and 3.3K resistors are voltage dividers to convert 0-10V to 0-3.3V
  • SS14 works as a clamping diode and it's there to protect from less than zero volt spikes
  • 1K resistors serves as a current limiting resistor for microcontroller pin.
  • 3.9V zener diode makes us sure that the maximum voltage on the pin will stand in its range (max 4V)
  • 100nF capacitors works as the bypass capacitor and also shape and low pass filter with the 1K resistor

enter image description here

Best Answer

The link that you provided shows protection for a digital input. The ADC's input resistance is much lower. The electrical operating specifications for the ADC usually provide a formula to calculate the maximum allowed source resistance. They often show preferred protection schemes that are appropriate for un-buffered inputs.

The 1k resistor is not required because the voltage divider provides the same function. The zener is not required as the Schottky internal diode in the micro will be sufficient. I suggest the following circuit:


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Make C1 small enough to track input changes. This circuit will usually require a slower sample rate and a longer sample time both that are programmable.

I prefer a buffer as shown below. It is not the only way and others may have alternate suggestions. This method isolates the ADC from the inputs and provides a very low source resistance thus removing all timing and loading restrictions on the ADC.


simulate this circuit

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