Convert 0-5V from DAC into +/-5V


I am trying to control a galvanometer that requires +/-5V input voltage, my source is a 14Bit DAC (LTC2612) that I control via an Arduino. I use a +/-15v powersupply to power the galvanometer.

What would be the best way to convert the output of the DAC to suite the input needs of the galvanometer? I have a LM358 dual op-amp if that is a way to go?

Best Answer

Assuming the galvo amplifier has a relatively high impedance input (doesn't draw more than a few mA) you can use this circuit:-


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

The amplifier has a gain of -2 from the DAC output, and D1/R2 biases the voltage at +5V out with 0V in, so the output will change from +5V with 0V in to -5V at 5V in. R4 provides some vias current for D1, which is the -5V reference to offset the amplifier.

If you want to avoid D1 and have a 5V reference already, you can use the remaining amplifier to get -5V from the +5V reference as shown in the dashed box.