DC Offset in DC Signal with Op-Amp – How to Manage

dc-offsetoffsetoperational-amplifiervoltage divider

I have a DC signal from a DAC in the range of [0:3,3]V and want to convert it to be in the range [-5:5]V. My approach would be to scale with op-amp with gain 3 and then DC offset.

I've read that this could be done simultaneously by using an op-amp. By using inverting amplifier with gain 3 but instead of grounding the noninverting terminal apply biasing voltage connected to a voltage divider.

After that I can use an inverting buffer to make the map correct (0 to -5;3.3 to 5.)

Is this how this would be done? Should I apply negative bias voltage to bring the midpoint of my range down? Are there any additional things to consider?

Best Answer

Voltage scaler

You'll need a negative supply rail because the output swings to -5 V.