Determine connections of a transformer based on resistance


I have a small transformer I desoldered from a disposable camera that transformed 1.5V to high voltage >90V. It has three leads on one side and two on the other. I have been testing its resistance and got the following measurementsResistance (*There is an error the resistance from connection 4 : 2 is 270 ohms not 3 ohms)
The 3rd lead seems to be connected to the smaller coil but there is glue and I cannot figure out the other connections.Transformer Sorry for the really terrible solder joints (working on it).

Best Answer

You might want to look at Sam Goldwasser's FAQ on strobes and camera flashes- it's quite an extensive collection. With credit to Sam and the original author, here is a typical circuit:

enter image description here

It appears your 3:5 is the drive coil and the high voltage and feedback windings are the remaining three pins with 2 the high voltage output. Up to you to figure out the phasing, and I'm not really sure from those measurements which end of the feedback coil goes where- try to use a higher resolution meter and take the measurements all at the same time (and temperature). 3 ohms is only about 1% of the high voltage winding...

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