Different LEDs in parallel

circuit analysisledresistors

Are there any special considerations I should pay attention to, when I wire multiple LEDs in Parallel?

I am doing a project with a 100 LEDs in parallel. Each LED could be a different color, and each LED is wired with a resistor (or should I not do this and group the LEDs with one resistor?)

I've calculated each resistor with regarding to the amount of current the LED will draw, and the power supply will come from a wall wart rated at 5v and 5A.

Sample diagram:

LED in Parallels

Best Answer

You have done that absolutely correctly.

People often fall into the trap of having just one resistor for a group of LEDs in parallel, which is completely wrong - doing so will cause uneven brightness in the LEDs at best, and at worst would lead to a cascade failure making the LEDs all fail, with some even exploding.

So one resistor per LED, or one resistor per chain of series-connected LEDs, is the right way to go.