Diode circuit fed with voltage follower doesnt work


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I have a ldr circuit. In order to drive other circuits i connected a LDR circuit to voltage follower. I want to see at the output either nearly 0V or 9-12V. At Ltspice it works, but at the blackboard output remain same 9V. Yet, at the + pin of the voltage follower i see 9V or 0V. What do I need to connect in order voltage follower to work correctly?

Best Answer

I believe you could accomplish your goal by making R5 large (> 4.7k for the LM385 Op Amp to not be loaded to heavily.) and placing a diode from ground to the junction of R5 and the + terminal on U2. This would pull the -12 to ~0V and leave the +12 alone. The only issue is if this is working at high frequency > 1MHz, the parasitic capacitance of the diode could start to affect it.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

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