Dual 12 V battery setup – wiring, grounding and busbars

12vinvertersolar cell

I am installing a second 12 V battery into my van to run eletronic devices. The second battery is a bank of two LiFePO4 12 V, 120 Ah cells connected in parallel.

My three questions are surrounding the circuit diagram pictured below:

  1. Is running a ground from the negative pole of Lithium 2 to the negative pole of the starter battery sufficient to earth the system?
  2. Is the green Inverter ground wire earthed if I connect to the negative BusBar (going to negative of battery bank), and what should the rating of the negative BusBar be?
  3. What should the amp rating of the positive BusBar be?

I understand cable needs to thick enough to carry the amps in that circuit, e.g. the circuit with fuse block needs to include wire rated for 100A. What about the interconnecting batteries? Should this be rated for the largest circuit, i.e. the 550A from one of the positive BusBars?.

enter image description here

Best Answer

I think you try to connect your solar system to the car battery via the second charger. This is not necessary and will not work (Or has your van 24V?). You can just use a relay do disconnect the car battery from the others (for starting etc..). There are special relays for that on the market. You can search for battery disconnect relay.

Wiring the negative poles together is correct. Remember that in the car the chasis is used for negative potential.

The Ground connection of your Inverter should be grounded correctly. So you can wire it to a metal pole, take a hammer and push it into the earth or if you want to connect it to your chassis (12V negativ) you should ground your chasis (metal pole :)

Btw. most people don't wire the gorund connection of their inverter. If you only use devices without metal case/ground connection this should be no problem. But be aware this isn't correct.

Hope this helps you a little bit.