Electric potential and length of wire


The formula of electric potential is $$V=\frac{kQ}{r}$$ and the voltage across two points is \$a\$ and \$b\$ that determines the work of the electric field on a charge \$q_1\$ from \$a\$ to \$b\$.

If, say, we have short wire and make a circuit with a power source, then there would be some voltage. Now if we use a long wire instead of short wire, isn't now the distance increased between \$a\$ and \$b\$? So why does the voltage remain same if we consider the wire conductivity 100%? If we use the above formula then it means that the voltage must decrease. So how does all this happen?

Best Answer

If we use the above formula then it means that the voltage must decrease.

You're attempting to apply a result outside of the context in which it was derived.

Outside of a static spherically symmetric charge distribution with total charge \$Q\$, the electric potential is indeed given by the formula you quote.

But, in the circuit context you give, we're not outside of a static spherically symmetric charge distribution so this formula, and any conclusion you draw from it, isn't valid in this context.