Electrical – 100Hz noise from a mains transformer


I bought a new speaker and it hums even with volume knob turned to 0. After opening it up, I noticed it was the iron transformer oscillating (and screwing it tighter does reduce the noise).

How is it possible to produce a 100Hz noise out of 50Hz mains ac? Is there any method to reduce this oscillation besides mechanical locking?

Best Answer

The base frequency of auditable noise of a 50 Hz transformer should be 100 Hz since the two half waves (negativ and positive) are giving the same movement in physical space on the moving part of the transformer.

Mechanical fixation and/or sound insulation is the way to go. Apart from screwing the transformer down, use some liquid glue (e.g. potting compound, protective lacquer) to cover coils and iron sheets. Be careful to use non-flamant, temperature resitive materials for potting. Also try to insulate the sound propagation to the housing by mounting the transformer on a foam pad.

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