Electrical – 120VAC to 120VDC @ 0.5A

dc/dc converter

I'm working on an arduino project and I need to drive a motor that is rated at 120V and 0.5A with No Load. Since this is a fun project and I'm trying to reuse some parts, hence the 120V dc motor I'm trying to reuse which came from an old coffee grinder.

The input is 120VAC and I'm using a full bridge rectifier but that yields ~169V at the output because of the RMS voltage output.

1)How do I step down the voltage from 169V?

2)Can I use an inductor in series with the capacitor to lower then voltage? If so what formula do I use to calculate the proper size inductor?

3)I noticed in the circuit of the old coffee grinder that it has a power line choke before the rectifier. What purpose does that serve?

enter image description here

enter image description here

My knowledge of circuits is rusty so thanks for the help in advance.

Best Answer

Just remove the capacitor, and the rms voltage will go down to 120V.

If your meter responds to average voltage on DC ranges (as most do) then it will read about 10% low (0.636 x peak voltage vs 0.0707), but the actual output voltage will be correct.