Electrical – A question on the response of an RC circuit and pole of its transfer function


Below is an excerpt from an introductory level book about poles and zeros:
enter image description here

The transfer function of the RC circuit system above for the output voltage is:

H(s) = s/(s+10)

The book claims that this system's response to e^-10t will be infinite because at s=-10 |H(s)| goes infinity.

So to check this out first I found the Laplace transform of an input e^-10t as:

X(s) = 1/(s+10)

So the output Y(s) must be

Y(s) = X(s) * H(s) = s / (s+10)^2

And for the time domain I take the inverse Laplace transform of Y(s) and plot it in MATLAB as follows:

syms Y s t
warning off;

H = s ./ (s+10); %Transfer function for the RC circuit system
X=1./(s+10); %Laplace transform for the input e^-10t 
Y=X.*H; %output

out = ilaplace(Y);

xlabel('t [sec]')
ylabel('Vc [V]')
grid on;

enter image description here

Above plots are the response of this system to e^-10t for 0,2 and 2 seconds interval. According to these above plots the response starts from 1 and then damps to zero.

What is infinite here? I underlined the claim of the book in yellow above.
I don't see anything absurd or infinite in the response of this system for the e^-10t input. Where am I wrong here?

Best Answer

You are just producing plots that show the real world and not the underlying maths that lies behind the s-plane. Basically you are thinking in terms of time equivalence of bode plots when you should be thinking in terms of poles and zeros. Hopefully this picture of a 2nd order low pass filter will help: -

enter image description here

The three pictures along the top show the bode plots of three low pass filters where damping is getting less from left to right.

The bottom left picture shows a 3D view of the bode plot aAND the pole zero plot. The bottom right is just the traditional pole zero digram (as would be seen from above on the 3D plot).