Electrical – Arduino controlled regulator circuit to control two Peltier devices,


I am needing to find an arduino controlled circuit that will control the temperature in a box enclosure utilizing peltier devices.

So far, I have a SR7021 temperature sensor wired to an Arduino Nano via I2c. What I have envisioned is a Peltier device for cooling the box with another Peltier device heating the box.

At the programmed temperature both Peliter devices would have a low voltage applied , in effect cancelling each other out. When the temperature rises, the voltage to the cooling Peltier would rise and the voltage to the heating device would drop and vice versa when the temp drops.

The solution can utilize two circuits each driven by separate pins on the Arduino but ideally a single circuit with two controlled drivers for the Peltiers. Can anyone point me in the right direction?



Best Answer

So, if you have a PWM kr DAC pin free on your 'duino, you could use something like this I think:
enter image description here