Electrical – Astable Multivibrator circuit using LM741 Op Amp



simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
The problem is here I'm not getting the output as expected.
The voltage at output terminal is constant and potential at capacitor is also not changing.

Best Answer

There appear to be two sloppy errors in your schematic:

enter image description here

  1. The resistor should be 1M\$\Omega\$ not 1m\$\Omega\$. Beware that SPICE will usually interpret 1M as 0.001 because it has case-insensitive roots. Use 1 MEG or 1 mega or 1000K.

  2. The crossover there should be joined. The negative feedback is via R4/C1 and the positive feedback is via R1/R2. They can't feed back unless they are connected to the output. As you've shown it the op-amp will just saturate against one rail or the other and the LED will remain on or off continuously.